t e r i m a k a si h !

assalamualaikum...! ari ni aq citer psal diri aq sendiri and psal kwn aq...first2 sekali aq nk ucapkn terima kasih at kwn2 aq iaitu eycah,nabila and julai...thanx guys pe yg korang wt aq amat hargai.............................

korang mmg member yg pling baek aq penah jmpe...korang yg slalu wt aq hepi an....skarunk ni aq mmg hepi pon sbb korang wt aq cm ni...korang member yg aq slalu caye and member yg jujur...tpy aq silap....aq salah menilai korang...aq nk tnye korang...korang hepi ark skarunk ? and asl korang wt aq cm ni...klau kaw x nk member kaw rosak...npe korang x penah tegur aq npe korang x penah nasihat aq...npe ??...pe salah aq at korang....pe yg aq wt smpai korang sume x ske aq....aq GEDIK ke ? aq KEDEKUT ke ? x salah aq .. aq da wt cm2 da at korang...korang nk pe agy supaye korang leh ske aq...urmm
aq x sangkakn aq de member cm korang......MEKASIH SANGAT2 KAWAN ! hope korang hepi time aq pndah skolah....! aq sedih sgt pe yg korang wt at aq....aq x kn penah lupe pe yg korang wt at aq...aq slalu ingat bende uh...thanx a lot ! thanx slame ni korang member n aq...thanx slame ni korang wt2 baek n aq...lpas ni x yah la wt2 baek n aq agy k....thanx sume ye...!

x lame agy aq akn pndah skolah ! urmm :'( ... urmmm korang ske kn aq pndah skolah....korang ske kn aq break n sham...korang ske kn aq ari2 kene g kaunseling...korang ske kn aq kene pukul,kene mara n mak bpak aq an...korang ske an ????? .. hepi la korang....korang hepi aq menderita...urm thanx ye kwn !! wt aq menderita...................................................
korang thu ark sbb korang aq x leh jmpe sham agy sbb korang aq x leh kuar umah langsung ! thanx sgt2......

last sekali aq nk ucapkn TERIMAKASIHSANGAT2....! hope korang hepi and hope korang jmpe kwn yg lbih bgos dri aq.... ! aq sentiasa doakn korang supaye allah bkk kn pintu aty korang !!! assalamualaikum :'(

text dari si dia hehehe !

semalam kol 10 lbih la gak...sayangg aq anta msg at aq...then aq bce ar...hehehe ni ar msg yg dye anta ... !
   "saat aku sendiri...aku bayangkn kamu dlm dakapanku ini indahnya kamu di dlm aty ku....cerita kita berdua menciptalh sebuah cinte dan tercipta kisah yg satu...dalam aty ku hanye kamu seorang...mungkinkah kau kn menunggu ku seperti ku yg slalu menunggu mu...aku mahu kau slalu dgn ku dimana ku berada...aku hanye milik mu..."

alamak sayangg aq anta bende uh at aq...cair aq...smpai smlm aq x leh tito dol asyik bce msg 2 je...hahahahha....msg ni x kn aq padam smpai bile2...heheheehheeheh ..

b..bby sayanggg b sgt2...luv u so much sayanggg hahahakk !! muah <3

sayanggg saye !

                                                       heee budak nakal da jdy baek !

                                                  b u d a k n a k a l....
                                   muhd shamsul fitri !

heee gmbr b u d a k n a k a l...!! heheheheheh ILOVEYOUSOMUCH !! <3
                                      lebiyou sayanggggg !! hahahakk

relax !

yes,do listen to music,sing or dance - anything that makes you feel more relaxed.Soak yourself in a bath or sing in a warm shower.Go smell the flower outside.
  Call a friend to have a chat about life,refraining from any exam topics for a change.Some or you may want to meditate and say your prayers.Whatever you do,remember that relaxing rechargers your batteries,thus you will be able to go back to your study start line all 'warmed-up'.
  At the end of the day,take a lot of deep breaths that would help more oxygen into your brain and help you focus better.Ask for help if you need someone to talk to during revision.Reach out,recharge to reach peace.All the best ....!!

heeee ni la cara tok korang sume relax and luahkn sume ye okep...!! heeee cpe rse dye x phm b.inggeris korang tgk la kamus ye hehehehehehe...sori x translatekn dlm b.melayu heheheheheheh

                                    `T A M A T`


assalamualaikum ! ... uit uit hee :D da lme rara x update blog...rindu la lak at blog kesayangan rara ni...ari ni rara nk cite psal music or dlm bhase melayu ye lagu ! heee :D....

pe yg best ye tentang music ni...hah rara thu ni mesti music leh tenangkn fikiran kite an...hahaa mmg btul..tpy sbenar ye music hnye memberi ketenangan di dunia je...tpy di akhirat x de...klau korang nk tenangkn diri korang snang je..korang just ambik air smbahyang and solat..pas uh hilang la rse stress uh...klau korang wt cm 2...ketenangan akn ade didunia and diakhirat nnt...so wt la okep...music kite leh dgr tpy dye hnye tenangkn kite at dunia je.....korang x kn nk tenang didunia je korang mesti nk tenang diakhirat sekali an...!...

hahahahahah ! aq ceramah la lak haha !!!

                                       `T A M A T`


aq nk tnye korang something !! when u in luve...what do u think ?..
i know "of course u just think about your luve right"....
hahaha adoiii..L O V E..L O V E... huhuhuhu..

dlm hidop kite..cinte yg sejati hanye dtg sekali je dlm hidop kite..so u guys mesti nk cinte yg sejati 2 kn..btul ark..?...klau guys nk cinte sejati 2..u guys kne thu stu bende...! dlm cinte perlukn KEJUJURAN,KEIKHLASAN dan KASEH SAYANGG yg sepenuh ye...klau u guys nk hubungan yg kekal la...tpy klau u guys just nk game je..baek x yah kpel cm 2...huhu...klau kite da dpt kaseh sayangg uh jgn la lak kite campak cm 2 je......susa nk dpt kaseh sayanggg yg sepenuh ye...klau org yg pndai cari senang la jwb ye...huhuhuhu...just one thing..u guys must know...cinte yg sejati hanye dtg sekali je...klau u guys x pandai jage cinte yg sejati 2...cinte 2 x kn dtg lgy dlm hidop kite...


Jiwang la lak aq ni...hahahahah btw bende ni sume bende yg btul bkn mainan...huhuhuhu.....UNTUNGG LA DE KASEH SAYANGGG <3 !

demam !

haiyooo...benci ye demam !! ish2....urmm x sehat lor..x larat glew ni..tpy terpakse gak g skolah..cuz kecik rndu n sorang dak ni...ish2 rindu rindu n dye...heehheheheheheheheh...

demam oh demam...asl la kaw demam an...ish...myirap ye aq time2 aq demam ni la pling aq x ske...kne mkn ubt la kne jmpe doktor la kne masok hospital kne ambik darah la..mcm2 agy urgh benci ! benci !...x ske x ske...

b org rndu b la....urmmm aq x larat nk g skolah ni...disbbkn aq terlalu rndu sgt n si dye..terpakse la aq dtg skolah...urmmm